
- 编 号:vector/161
- 包含文件:1 AI
- 大 小:压缩包 25.09 MB / 解压后 27.43 MB
- 编辑软件:Illustrator
- High detail map on the delimitation of borders of the countries and islands.
- About 8,300 vector elements distributed in 9 thematic layers.
- 570 editable labels with place names in real text.
- Real text layered, no outlines.
- Color schemes based in the 4-colors theorem: adjacent polygons have not the same color, which helps the reader understand the map. Colors are easily modified by the user.
- Multi-language map: English, Spanish, Chinese, Arab, French, Portuguese, Russian, German, Japanese, Italian.
- Projection: Miller cylindrical.
- Original scale: 1:10,000,000
- Dimensions: A2 scalable
- File formats: ai, pdf

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